Guest Post
We’re accepting articles about conventions, parades, concerts, reviews of amazing (as well as amazingly bad) books/movies/music, extreme sports, traveling and just about anything else that’s out there to be experienced. Although there might be a focus on New York City and surrounding areas, there is no real geographical cut off. We do ask that what you are writing about is actually true and abides by the not so basic rules of grammar of the English Language.
And so, the standards:
- Inventive adjectives and interesting turns of phrase. Don’t rely on the entertainment provided by the event or media itself.
- Do attempt to answer as many of the 5 W and 1 H questions of journalism (who, what, where, when, why and how) as you possibly can.
- Proofread your work. If too many mistakes are found in the first few paragraphs, your article will be rejected outright.
- If you are writing about an event, then you are welcome to use as many as 1,000-2,500 words and at least 3 pics.
- If a review of a book or album is submitted, then the limit is between 300-600.
- Pictures are welcome always, but please exclude peen and vage.
- Your article should be included in the body of the email, with hyperlinks in parenthesis next to whatever you want linked, which should be underlined. Pics should be attached to said email, their titles describing what’s in them.
- Further instructions/clarifications will be provided once your article is received.
All we can offer you for your work is feedback on your writing, exposure and, once you have earned the status of staff writer by writing 5 decent articles, press passes to events (concerts, film screenings, conventions) as well as review copies of books and CDs. Send your submission to Meandering.Entertainer@gmail. com (we fear spam bots, so take out that unexpected space before the .com).
Please allow a few days for processing. All writers will be notified of the status of their article.